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The previous backtest indicated that Japan might be a promising market for the dead-cat-drop strategy. In this notebook, we add commissions to the Japan strategy and run a backtest to see the out-of-sample performance and the impact of commissions.

Strategy Code

The dead-cat-drop.py file contains a commission class for Japanese stocks (JapanStockTieredCommission), but it is not associated with the dead-cat-drop-japan strategy. To model commissions, assign the commission class to the COMMISSION_CLASS attribute of dead-cat-drop-japan, as shown below:

class DeadCatDropJapan(DeadCatDrop):

    CODE = "dead-cat-drop-japan"
    COMMISSION_CLASS = JapanStockTieredCommission


Next, we run the backtest:

And view the tear sheet:

Next Up

Part 5: Short Sale Constraints