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Combining Factors

Factors can be combined, both with other Factors and with scalar values, via any of the builtin mathematical operators (+, -, *, etc). This makes it easy to write complex expressions that combine multiple Factors. For example, constructing a Factor that computes the average of two other Factors is simply:

>>> f1 = SomeFactor(...)
>>> f2 = SomeOtherFactor(...)
>>> average = (f1 + f2) / 2.0

In this lesson, we will create a pipeline that creates a relative_difference factor by combining a 10-day average factor and a 30-day average factor.

As usual, let's start with our imports:

For this example, we need two factors: a 10-day mean close price factor, and a 30-day one:

Then, let's create a percent difference factor by combining our mean_close_30 factor with our mean_close_10 factor.

In this example, percent_difference is still a Factor even though it's composed as a combination of more primitive factors. We can add percent_difference as a column in our pipeline. Let's define make_pipeline to create a pipeline with percent_difference as a column (and not the mean close factors):

Let's see what the new output looks like:

Next Lesson: Filters